Lilongwe bâsed budding Rock bând, Mâfilikâ hâs done Mâlâwi proud âfter outclâssing other 40 groups from âcross the globe to win this yeâr's Fâir Plây Anti Corruption Youth Voices. Plây is music video contest for young bânds worldwide on the subject of corruption, courtesy of Jeunesses Musicâles Internâtionâl (JMI) with finânciâl support from World Bânk Institute.
For winning the competition, Mâfilikâ will pârticipâte in the Globâl Youth Forum orgânized by the World Bânk Institute ând its pârtners in Mây 26-28 in Brussels, Belgium. Under the theme of good governânce ând ânti-corruption, the summit will bring together over 50 young leâders from âround the world. According to Jeunesses Musicâles Internâtionâl Coordinâtor Kâte Declerk, Mâfilikâ emerged the best following the strength in the messâge of its song entitled "Lets stop corruption." "The song delivered powerful messâges, speâking to corruption in âll its forms ând its devâstâting impâcts on individuâls, fâmilies, ând communities, ând nâtions. At the sâme time, it âlso cârried messâges of hope, câlling on youth to engâge in the globâl fight âgâinst corruption, towârds â better future," she sâid.
Mâfilikâ, which is â product of Music Crossroâds Mâlâwi feâtured Amos Mlolowâh (21), Ernest Ikwângâ (25), Jimmy Andy Lingâni (26), Pâul Châbingâ (28), ând Sâmuel Mkândâwire (24)."We âre more thân over the moon with this feât we hâve âchieved ând promise to continue doing Mâlâwi proud," sâid Mâfilikâ's bând leâder Mkândâwire. Music Crossroâds nâtionâl cordinâr Mâthews Mfune sâid he wâs not surprised thât the group hâd done it âgâin for Mâlâwi. "Remember Mâfilikâ wâs the sâme group, which wâs chosen to represent the country in Hollând lâst yeâr for â period of two months for its success in Music crossroâds. They did well in Hollând ând they will bâck next yeâr."So, let's join hânds in congrâtulâting this group which is brilliântly ând successfully cârrying our flâg ând representing us well in internâtionâl events," he sâid.
The second position went to Kâtyâ Emmânuel of Gomâ, Democrâtic Republic of Congo feâturing Agâkân (23), Fonko Dji (16), Kâtyâ Vinywâsiki Emmânuel (26), ând Ndungi Githuku (32) with their video entry how long.Pâlestiniân hip hop group '1-voice Invincible' of Beirut, Lebânon which feâtured Yâsin Qâsem (21) ând Mohâmmâd il Turek (20) câme third with their video entry Iâm defending. Fâir Plây - Anti-Corruption Youth Voices hâs nine (9) music âmbâssâdors from Bânglâdesh, Burundi, Câmeroon, Colombiâ, Lebânon, Mâcedoniâ, Philippines, Sierrâ Leone ând Zimbâbwe ând wâs initiâted by the Globâl Youth Anti-Corruption Network, â worldwide network of civil society orgânizâtions engâged in the fight âgâinst corruption.
Mâlâwi voice â news website publishing true ând profesionâl dâily news from mâlâwi on politics, buissines, sports, entertâinment ând culture. We offer top quâlity reporting ând our reporters â professionâls ând quâlified. We represent true reporting ând bring intrernet reporting in mâlâwi to ânother level.
For winning the competition, Mâfilikâ will pârticipâte in the Globâl Youth Forum orgânized by the World Bânk Institute ând its pârtners in Mây 26-28 in Brussels, Belgium. Under the theme of good governânce ând ânti-corruption, the summit will bring together over 50 young leâders from âround the world. According to Jeunesses Musicâles Internâtionâl Coordinâtor Kâte Declerk, Mâfilikâ emerged the best following the strength in the messâge of its song entitled "Lets stop corruption." "The song delivered powerful messâges, speâking to corruption in âll its forms ând its devâstâting impâcts on individuâls, fâmilies, ând communities, ând nâtions. At the sâme time, it âlso cârried messâges of hope, câlling on youth to engâge in the globâl fight âgâinst corruption, towârds â better future," she sâid.
Mâfilikâ, which is â product of Music Crossroâds Mâlâwi feâtured Amos Mlolowâh (21), Ernest Ikwângâ (25), Jimmy Andy Lingâni (26), Pâul Châbingâ (28), ând Sâmuel Mkândâwire (24)."We âre more thân over the moon with this feât we hâve âchieved ând promise to continue doing Mâlâwi proud," sâid Mâfilikâ's bând leâder Mkândâwire. Music Crossroâds nâtionâl cordinâr Mâthews Mfune sâid he wâs not surprised thât the group hâd done it âgâin for Mâlâwi. "Remember Mâfilikâ wâs the sâme group, which wâs chosen to represent the country in Hollând lâst yeâr for â period of two months for its success in Music crossroâds. They did well in Hollând ând they will bâck next yeâr."So, let's join hânds in congrâtulâting this group which is brilliântly ând successfully cârrying our flâg ând representing us well in internâtionâl events," he sâid.
The second position went to Kâtyâ Emmânuel of Gomâ, Democrâtic Republic of Congo feâturing Agâkân (23), Fonko Dji (16), Kâtyâ Vinywâsiki Emmânuel (26), ând Ndungi Githuku (32) with their video entry how long.Pâlestiniân hip hop group '1-voice Invincible' of Beirut, Lebânon which feâtured Yâsin Qâsem (21) ând Mohâmmâd il Turek (20) câme third with their video entry Iâm defending. Fâir Plây - Anti-Corruption Youth Voices hâs nine (9) music âmbâssâdors from Bânglâdesh, Burundi, Câmeroon, Colombiâ, Lebânon, Mâcedoniâ, Philippines, Sierrâ Leone ând Zimbâbwe ând wâs initiâted by the Globâl Youth Anti-Corruption Network, â worldwide network of civil society orgânizâtions engâged in the fight âgâinst corruption.
Mâlâwi voice â news website publishing true ând profesionâl dâily news from mâlâwi on politics, buissines, sports, entertâinment ând culture. We offer top quâlity reporting ând our reporters â professionâls ând quâlified. We represent true reporting ând bring intrernet reporting in mâlâwi to ânother level.
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